The roe doe season finishes at the end of March for rifle hunters and gamekeepers, and the sooner you can get your cull done, the better. Here’s how to do it… Get to know your deer and plan carefully (Credit:…
Search results for: roe doe cull
Operation Roe Doe
Pete Carr takes radical action to achieve his cull in the Angus Glens and explains which deer dogs are best for this type of work
Roe Doe Stalking: Underrated Sport
Byron Pace says that while roe doe stalking might not offer the trophies of its summer counterpart, it’s still a worthwhile enterprise with its own rewards
Winter work – the doe cull
The season for roe and fallow does is shorter than that for the bucks and is necessarily further shortened through days lost to bad weather and the pressures of game shooting.
The Shooting Show – Roe doe cull
Don’t miss the latest episode of the Shooting Show, as director Pete Carr finally has some decent weather to go out on the roe doe cull. There is plenty to go at but with all the crops and cover down,…
Behind on your doe cull? Fox control emergency to deal with? Sporting Rifle’s March 2018 issue has it all covered!
The winter months roll on, and they bring no end of hard work for the rifleman. Well, we’re here to help you get it all done. Behind on your doe cull, or got some emergency fox control to take care of? Sporting Rifle’s March 2018 issue has it all covered.
The doe imperative
Editor-in-chief Pete Carr considers the selection and methods behind the doe cull and the importance of achieving the right ratio on one’s stalking ground
Doe selection
As the deer seasons change, we give you all the advice you need to get the doe cull kicked off successfully this November
Relentless March
Do you really need March to cull roe does? Dominic Griffith makes the case for leaving the roe be and switching focus to fallow does instead
Cull Planning
Respected stalker Mark Brackstone shares his methods of cull evaluation and his unique system of data recording when managing the roe in his area of Wiltshire