Red deer ‘nation’s favourite’

011The public ‘lean towards’ favouring red deer, a survey commissioned by the Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) found.

The study on public attitudes to wild deer revealed that generally people feel positively towards them, though slightly favoured Highland red deer.

Urban deer, however, are considered more of a problem. This is predominantly roe, which are becoming increasingly common in towns and cities.

Muntjac are also a growing concern, and the SNH has estimated that it would cost Scotland up to £2 million a year to manage a more established population.

The government funded organisation has given instructions to deer managers to “shoot on sight” if they see them in the south of Scotland.

The survey also revealed a mixed response to stalking: Respondents tended to have an understanding of it and recognised the important role hunting plays in the UK economy, but voiced moral and welfare concerns.

Despite this, the report reveals that there is a lot of support for the production of venison.

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