April means only one thing in the sporting calendar: It’s the roebuck season, and as always we’re here to help you prepare for it, get the right kit and avoid the dreaded buck fever.
First, we’re out with Paul Childerley who’s trekked to Wiltshire to search for a buck among the wide, rolling fields. The open terrain means it’s easy to get spotted by a buck and tough to get into shooting range, so he’ll need all his fieldcraft about him. Chris Dalton and David Barrington Barnes have also been out in the field, with David remembering some of his first ever roebucks as well as providing another primer on the pitfalls of firearms law.
Will O’Meara reveals the kit he really views as essential when heading out on a stalk, Dominic Griffith reveals the very best deer heads of 2018 in the BASC/BDS annual report, and we round up 10 pairs of binos and eight .243 rounds to make your stalks a success.
Elsewhere, we’ve got a first look at Aimpoint’s new C-1 red dot sight, and Stuart Wilson reviews a Ruger .22 that’s got the feel of a much bigger rifle. Byron Pace recalls the appeal of the .244 H&H calibre while Mike Powell finds use in the .22 Hornet calibre for foxing. Talking of foxing, Robert Bucknell and Mark Ripley both supply their expertise on keeping the foxes under control during lambing season.
We’ve also got buffalo hunting in Burkina Faso, six of your toughest shooting problems solved, the winners of the Great British Shooting Awards, and the last chance to bid in our Save The Rhino auction.
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