Ask the experts: Setting up a scope cam

Q How can I set up a scope cam so I can record my shots in the field?

A Chris says: If you want to record shots it is still hard to beat a simple GoPro-style camera. They will withstand all atmospheric conditions, they are reliable and easy to mount with a huge range of accessories. Sound recording is also possible, but watch out for wind noise and be aware that there can be some time lag after gunshots and loss of sound/picture synchronisation.

I use a spare scope ring or Picatinny mount of the correct tube size and bolt the Go-Pro to it using its standard 1⁄4” UNC thread. Avoid elevation-adjustable mounts – it’s better to bolt it all tight in position, otherwise the recoil, regardless of calibre, will send a vibratory flick through the system, knocking the vision permanently skyward. Compact lines, light weight, battery life and Micro SD card capacity are plentiful so it’s easy to just press record as your encounter initiates and turn it off afterward. Make sure you turn off or obscure the flashing lights on the front – finding this out last minute can be a little less than funny.

In cases of misses or incorrect shot placement, these videos can occasionally be helpful in pointing out where things went wrong. Though you will lose the point of interest during the recoil cycle of the gun, it will give you some clues as to what happened – the instant where the gun goes off and ‘flicks’ the image can tell all if your position and aim were unstable.

Do not fall into the trap of concentrating on the camera more than your regular hunting and shooting routine. You must absolutely prioritise one and allow the other to continue self-contained – in this case, press the record button and forget things until later.

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