In the wake of the news three of the general licenses in England, which permit the taking of pest bird species including pigeons, crows and magpies, was revoked last Thursday, here is everything you need to know about general licenses…
Everything you need to know about the general licence issues
Tagged with: canada goose, conservation, Countryside Alliance, crops, crows, damage, gamebird, general licenses, gulls, livestock, magpies, National Gamekeepers' Organisation, Natural England, pest bird, pigeons, wildlife and countryside act 1981
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Seeking a Sika solution
Due to the dramatic rise in wild deer and boar, the Japanese government are seeking to revise the wildlife hunting laws to prevent widespread damage to agriculture and forestry.
Tagged with: 2014, cull, damage, deer, deer management, hunting amendment, hunting laws, increased population, Japan, over-population, sika, wild boar, wild deer
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Woods under pressure from wild boar
Bothered by a buck
Roebuck fraying proves an early season problem for Tony Megson, who has to get his hands and knees dirty to catch up with his quarry